Saturday, December 18, 2004

Creating a wizard without saving data to database

Keep passing the DW context progressively and simulate sharedata.

So, let's say we have 3 pages with 3 DWs created with sharedata in mind (different view, same data). So, from page 1, we pass the context of DW1 to page2. You can name the client side DW same in all pages, so you will not have to explicitly apply context on each DW - it will get applied automatically - all you will have to do is stop retrieval (something that I suggest to our clients to put in ancestor so you can control this retrieval stop by simply passing a parameter to the component).

Well, if above explanation is not making sense, the code might.

JSP1 javascript:
function next () {
dw_customerdetail_submitForm.dw_customerdetail_context.value = dw_customerdetail.GetFullContext ();
dw_customerdetail_submitForm.dw_customerdetail_action.value = "";
dw_customerdetail_submitForm.action = "customerdetail2.jsp";
dw_customerdetail_submitForm.submit ();

Email me if you would like to get the code sample.


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